The Schnauzer Club of Great Britain


Promoting and safeguarding the interests of Schnauzers, Miniature Schnauzers and Giant Schnauzers since 1929

Promoting and safeguarding the interests of Schnauzers, Miniature Schnauzers and Giant Schnauzers since 1929

Show Results

2021 November Open Show held on 28-Nov-21


BIS: Silversocks Shot In The Dark with Violis owned by Miss & L& J Parker & McDonald (Miniature)
RBIS: Ch Riesenheim Taio Cruz to Ruffhaus owned by Mrs G Staples (Giant)
BPIS: Amigris Aint Misbehavin at Khanate (naf)(taf) owned by Mr & Mrs C & S Bawden & Brown (Schnauzer)
BVIS: Debutante vom Schloss Ehrenberg mit Daserbe ShCM VW (Imp) owned by Mrs J & Mrs L George & Mellor (Giant)

Judge: Barry Blunden

BOB: Silversocks Shot In The Dark with Violis owned by Miss & L& J Parker & McDonald
RBOB: Violis Wait N See owned by Miss & L& J Parker & McDonald
BPIB: Jokerlands One Night Stand owned by Mr M Uryu
BVIB: Beanare Njals Saga at Lyzanhro owned by Mrs l Mellor
BB: Dayporium Magic Charm over Violis owned by Miss & L& J Parker & McDonald

Judge: Barry Blunden

Veteran D/B
PlaceDogs NameOwners Name
1stBeanara Njals Saga at LyzanhroMrs l Mellor

Judge: Barry Blunden

Puppy Dog
PlaceDogs NameOwners Name
1stJokerlands One Night StandMr M Uryu

Judge: Barry Blunden

Junior Dog
PlaceDogs NameOwners Name
1stViolis Wait N SeeMiss & L& J Parker & McDonald

Judge: Barry Blunden

Post Grad Dog
PlaceDogs NameOwners Name
1stJokerland Work of ArtMr M Uryu
2ndDayporium The Conjurer at JennayrMesdames L & E Gudgin & Campbell
3rdLyzahro White Here White NowMrs l Mellor

Judge: Barry Blunden

Open Dog
PlaceDogs NameOwners Name
1stSilversocks Shot In The Dark with ViolisMiss & L& J Parker & McDonald
2ndLichstone The SwagmanMr A & Mrs A McDermott

Judge: Barry Blunden

Minor Puppy Bitch
PlaceDogs NameOwners Name
1stLichstone Born To DreamMr A & Mrs A McDermott

Judge: Barry Blunden

Puppy Bitch
PlaceDogs NameOwners Name
1stRosa MazurianaMs J Jasinski
2ndKavacay Pearl Of LoveMiss K Robertson
3rdRispark SpritzerMr & Mr L & J Newman & Parker
ReserveDzhorzh Merilin Zhaklin Uajt for Quintastique (Imp) (naf)Mrs R Jones
VHCLichstone Midnight SwiftMr A & Mrs A McDermott

Judge: Barry Blunden

Junior Bitch
PlaceDogs NameOwners Name
1stRosa MazurianaMs J Jasinski
2ndDayporium BewitchedMrs J Day

Judge: Barry Blunden

Post Grad Bitch
PlaceDogs NameOwners Name
1stDayporium Magic Charm over ViolisMiss & L& J Parker & McDonald
2ndJokerland Sassy LassMr M Uryu

Judge: Barry Blunden

Open Bitch
PlaceDogs NameOwners Name
1stRisepark Hidden Gem for JokerlandMr M Uryu

Judge: Barry Blunden

BOB: Fivepits The Mole owned by Mr S & Mrs A Fletcher
RBOB: CH Fivepits The Detonator owned by Mr S & Mrs A Fletcher
BPIB: Amigris Aint Misbehavin at Khanate (naf)(taf) owned by Mr & Mrs C & S Bawden & Brown
BVIB: Fivepits The Mole owned by Mr S & Mrs A Fletcher

Judge: Barry Blunden

Veteran D/B
PlaceDogs NameOwners Name
1stFivepits The MoleMr S & Mrs A Fletcher
2ndCH Khanate Gin Fizz ShCMMr & Mrs C & S Bawden & Brown

Judge: Barry Blunden

Minor Puppy Dog
PlaceDogs NameOwners Name
1stNettie Greit Sean Connery (naf) (taf)Ms I Jennings

Judge: Barry Blunden

Puppy Dog
PlaceDogs NameOwners Name
1stNettie Greit Sean Connery (naf) (taf)Ms I Jennings

Judge: Barry Blunden

Minor Puppy Bitch
PlaceDogs NameOwners Name
1stLeebren Midnight Star Gazer at HexenmeisterMrs C Morgan

Judge: Barry Blunden

Puppy Bitch
PlaceDogs NameOwners Name
1stAmigris Aint Misbehavin at Khanate (naf)(taf)Mr & Mrs C & S Bawden & Brown
2ndTries Erica Jazz (naf) (taf)Ms I Jennings

Judge: Barry Blunden

Junior Bitch
PlaceDogs NameOwners Name
1stFivepits The Companion SetMr S & Mrs A Fletcher
2ndTries Erica Jazz (naf) (taf)Ms I Jennings

Judge: Barry Blunden

Post Grad Bitch
PlaceDogs NameOwners Name
1stMaidlums Amazing Grace JWMrs P Maiden

Judge: Barry Blunden

Open Bitch
PlaceDogs NameOwners Name
1stFivepits The Companion SetMr S & Mrs A Fletcher
2ndMiccosukees Guess Who at JaleroMrs J Watson
3rdCH Khanate Euro MillionMr & Mrs C & S Bawden & Brown

Judge: Barry Blunden

BOB: Ch Riesenheim Taio Cruz to Ruffhaus owned by Mrs G Staples
RBIB: Debutante vom Schloss Ehrenberg mit Daserbe ShCM VW (Imp) owned by Mrs J & Mrs L George & Mellor
BPIB: Philoma Lucia owned by Mr C Clay
BVIB: Debutante vom Schloss Ehrenberg mit Daserbe ShCM VW (Imp) owned by Mrs J & Mrs L George & Mellor

Judge: Barry Blunden

Veteran D/B
PlaceDogs NameOwners Name
1stDebutante vom Schloss Ehrenberg mit Daserbe ShCM VW (Imp)Mrs J & Mrs L George & Mellor
2ndCH/Bel/Ned/Int CH Grovelea BossanovaMs S & Mr K Cox & Bowman

Judge: Barry Blunden

Open Dog
PlaceDogs NameOwners Name
1stCh Riesenheim Taio Cruz to RuffhausMrs G Staples
2ndPushkadell Tuscan to GroveleaMs S & Mr K Cox & Bowman

Judge: Barry Blunden

Minor Puppy Bitch
PlaceDogs NameOwners Name
1stPhiloma LuciaMr C Clay

Judge: Barry Blunden